i'm supposed to be resting in bed today, having eaten my meds.. but i had to get up & be an ULTRAMOM for the kids today. well, isyraf has his final soccer tournament in UKM today.. he's been training every weekend for the past 6 months or so. and suddenly, their kindergarten suddenly announced that there was going to be a Mother's Day celebration @ school today too! so we had to split the task- Umi will take iman to school for mother's day and Baba will take isyraf to his soccer tournament (sorry kids.. cant be at both places at the same time..)
so umi had to fight the myalgia (body ache) to see iman's performance @ school.. it was well worth it, of course.. he couldn't stop smiling. i guess he's feeling really happy that umi is finally paying full attention to him today.. poor thing.. anyway, we went home at around 11 am with a handful of goodies (thanks teachers!)
at home i kept on wondering how isyraf was doing at the field. so i decided to give baba a call. when i did, all i heard was his panicky voice saying "isyraf jatuh.. darah penuh.. nanti saya call balik".. omg... really tried to contain my feelings that time and my mind was racing with all the questions i could ask... then he called back saying that he's on his way to pick me up at home & we'll both bring him to hospital (still didn't know what's going on.. only glad that baba said he was conscious!). so they got home, and there was my little boy crying while holding his chin with a gauze full of blood. i had a look.. and it was a cut... ala... need a few stitches and he'll be ok... what a relief!!!
so we did just that at the nearest hospital.. he needed 4 stitches on the chin- he was such a brave boy (umi is very proud of u isyraf!).. and headed home relieved & exhausted...
boys... what can i say.. u guys really push me to my limits.. but i dont care as long as u guys are ok..
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